Factors affecting consumer behaviour to use e-wallets: An empirical study from Vietnam context
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the behaviour of using e-wallets (BE) and the factors affecting the use BE belonging to Vietnamese consumers. Research data is collected by sending online questionnaires to consumers who have been using e-wallets in Vietnam - people between the ages of 18 and 50 years old based on the convenient non-probability sampling method. The authors combine both qualitative and quantitative methods in our research to build and develop the research model. To take advantage of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and technology acceptance model (TAM), this research uses a combination of TPB and TAM models (C-TAM-TPB) to analyse two factors of the technology adoption model (perceived usefulness - PU and perceived ease of use - PE), the unified theory of acceptance, use of technology factor (social influence - SI), and perceived risk (PR). The research results show that (1) three factors that positively affect e-wallet usage (ranked in descending order) are the PE, SI, and PU and (2) PR does not affect Vietnamese consumer BE. Although the investigation and research on consumer behaviour are quite popular in Vietnam and around the world, the investigation documents the BE and the factors that determine it is still rare in Vietnam. Therefore, this study contributes to investigating and measuring the BE and the factors affecting it in Vietnam. In addition, the combined approach of the C-TAM-TPB model to estimate the influencing factors is a method rarely used in previous studies on consumer behaviour.
e-wallets, factors influencing, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceptions of risks, social influence, Vietnamese consumersDOI:
https://doi.org/10.31276/VMOSTJOSSH.64(1).10-24Classification number
Received 8 November 2021; revised 24 January 2022; accepted 7 February 2022