The UK’s foreign strategy toward ASEAN and prospect of UK - Vietnam relationship post Brexit
After leaving the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK) needs to re-assert its status as a traditional power on the international stage. To prepare for development in the post-Brexit period, the UK has had many orientations to promote and develop its influence and interests in the world. Since 2016, the three main orientations have been their relationship with the EU, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. Among its partners in Asia, the UK has been making efforts to come up with solutions to strengthen its ties with ASEAN. This paper uses some research methods on international relations, such as policy research methods, in order to clarify the objectives, content, and ways of implementing the UK’s foreign policy towards ASEAN in general and Vietnam in particular. This article studies some key features of the position of ASEAN in the UK’s foreign strategy and efforts to strengthen the UK - ASEAN relations thereby making some comments on the prospect of the relationship between the UK and Vietnam.
ASEAN, Global Britain, post-Brexit, relations, the UK, VietnamDOI: number
Received 26 October 2021; revised 3 January 2022; accepted 25 January 2022