Culture as a dynamic product of socially and historically situated discourse communities: A review of literature
This article delves into the intricate and multifaceted relationship between culture, discourse communities, and their profound entanglement within the rich tapestry of social and historical contexts. At its core, culture is not a monolithic entity but a dynamic amalgamation of myriad components, practices, and ideologies. These elements are not static but continually evolving, shaped by the interactions and exchanges within discourse communities. Discourse communities are fertile ground for nurturing, contesting, and disseminating cultural elements. Within these communities, language, beliefs, values, and norms are not merely transmitted but actively negotiated and transformed. This ongoing process contributes to the resilience and adaptability of culture, enabling it to respond to the ever-changing social and historical landscape. Central to our analysis is recognising culture as both "socially situated" and "historically situated”. The former underscores the embeddedness of discourse communities within broader socio-cultural contexts, highlighting their interconnectedness with power dynamics, social hierarchies, and institutional structures. The latter emphasises the dynamic nature of culture, acknowledging its responsiveness to historical events, cultural exchanges, and shifts in collective consciousness. Through this scholarly exploration, we seek to offer a comprehensive understanding of how culture evolves within the intricate web of discourse communities, reflecting and shaping the world around them. By unpacking the complex interplay between culture, discourse, and their socio-historical contexts, we aim to illuminate the profound implications of these dynamics on individuals, communities, and societies at large.
culture, discourse communities, historically situated, socially situatedDOI: number
9.3, 12
Received 4 October 2023; revised 7 November 2023; accepted 18 December 2023